Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous (also known as ‘snoopy’, ‘tubular’ or constricted) breasts are breasts that are misshaped, having grown in an unusual way due to the presence of a constricting ring of tissue at their base.
The constriction leads to deficient horizontal +/- vertical development of the breast and may lead to areolar enlargement. The condition itself is often inherited and usually affects the breasts asymmetrically, the estimated incidence being approximately 5% of the female population.
Unlike regular breast reshaping/augmentation, with tuberous breasts, it is important to release the constricting ring of tissue as well as redistribute the existing breast tissue in a way that promotes better breast shape and associated implant coverage.
Mild cases of tuberous breasts are suitable for standard breast augmentation surgery and fat grafting. Moderate to severe cases however, will require more complex techniques involving periareolar or vertical incisions and may require more than one surgery.
Fat grafting is particularly helpful as an adjunct in all forms of tuberous breast surgery.